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To promote transparency and provide information, the Federal Planning Bureau regularly publishes the methods and results of its works. The publications are organised in different series, such as Outlooks, Working Papers and Planning Papers. Some reports can be consulted here, along with the Short Term Update newsletters that were published until 2015. You can search our publications by theme, publication type, author and year.

Documents (1102)


  • Insights in a clean energy future for Belgium - Impact assessment of the 2030 Climate & Energy Framework 17/05/2018

    In October 2017, the Federal Planning Bureau published its three-yearly energy outlook describing the Belgian energy and emission projections under unchanged policy up to horizon 2050. That outlook demonstrates that we are drifting away from agreed targets and international agreements made to protect future societies from hazardous levels of climate change. That is why that outlook is complemented by this report that adopts a different perspective. This publication describes and analyses three alternative policy scenarios that are compatible both with the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Framework and with the roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 05-18  Publication(en), Slides - Danielle Devogelaer & Dominique Gusbin (BFP - FPB)(en), Slides - Jos Delbeke (European Commission)(en), Slides - Peter Claes (Febeliec)(en),

  • Non-take-up of employers' social security contributions cuts: the case of the "first recruitments" measure 30/04/2018

    The ‘first recruitments’ measure aims at supporting job creation in new and small firms through a reduction in employers' social security contributions. However, part of the eligible employers does not claim this reduction. Using administrative data from the National Social Security Office, we seek to quantify this phenomenon, which may bias the intended effect of the measure, and to identify profiles of non-take-up.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 06-18  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • 2018-2023 Budgetary Outlook for the federated entities 24/04/2018

    This report presents a brief disaggregation of the budget balance of the sub-sector “communities and regions” that was published in the March 2018 “2018-2023 Economic Outlook”. The budget balances of the Flemish Community, the French-speaking Community, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region are presented.

    Forecasts & Outlook - OPREP190418  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Les charges administratives en Belgique pour l’année 2016
    De administratieve lasten in België voor het jaar 2016 22/03/2018

    At the request of the Ministerial Council and in collaboration with the Agency for Administrative Simplification (AAS), the Federal Planning Bureau carries out an estimate every two years of the administrative burdens for firms and self-employed in Belgium. This estimate is based on a survey of a representative sample of firms and self-employed. In addition to the quantitative part, the survey also includes an important qualitative part that shows how firms and self-employed view the problem of administrative burdens. This Planning Paper shows the results regarding the administrative burdens for 2016.

    Closed series - Planning paper 116  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Removing youth sub-minimum wage rates in Belgium: did it affect youth employment? 16/03/2018

    Between April 2013 and January 2015, youth sub-minimum wage rates were repealed in Belgium. We identify the impact of the reform by comparing outcomes before and after the withdrawal, across eligible and ineligible categories of young workers, and across abolishing and not abolishing joint committees. Our results show that the reform had a small positive impact on wages and on retention rates and a comparable but negative impact on accession rates.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 04-18  Publication(en),

  • Complementary indicators to GDP, 2018 15/02/2018

    This report presents the update of a set of indicators complementary to GDP. These indicators cover the period from 1990 to 2016, depending on the availability of the data. The Act of 14 March 2014, which complements the Act of 21 December 1994 establishing social and diverse provisions with a set of complementary indicators to measure the quality of life, human development, social progress and the sustainability of our economy, entrusts the National Accounts Institute with the development of this set of indicators and assigns this mission  to the Federal Planning Bureau.

    This report also proposes a composite indicator to measure well-being Here and now‘. It should be completed in the forthcoming updates by composite indicators for the two other dimensions of sustainable development, ’Later‘ and ’Elsewhere‘.

    The data are available on

    Other publications - OPREP201801  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Population projections 2016-2060 : sensitivity analyses, alternative scenarios and budgetary and social impact 05/02/2018

    This Working Paper analyses various alternative population projections. The first approach shows the impact of alternative future development scenarios for the population growth components. The effects of some of these scenarios on the development in social expenditure and the at-risk-of-poverty rate for pensioners are also analysed. The second approach consists in carrying out a sensitivity analysis of the population projection to some model parameters, in particular the observation periods selected to estimate trends.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 01-18  Publication(fr),


  • Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts 2014-2015 19/12/2017

    European Regulation No 691/2011 (amended by European Regulation No 538/2014) obliges the member states of the European Union to deliver six environmental economic accounts as of 2017. The accounts concerned are the three accounts that have been obligatory since 2013, the Environmental Taxes by Economic Activity (ETEA), the Air Emissions Accounts (AEA) and the Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA), as well as three accounts that have to be delivered as of 2017, the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS), the Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA), and the Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA).

    In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the EPEA for the years 2014-2015.


    Other publications - REP_EPEA2017  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Economic Policy Committee’s Ageing Working Group - Belgium: Country Fiche 2017 18/12/2017

    The Ageing Working Group (AWG) was established in December 1999 by the Economic Policy Committee  of  the  European  Council  ECOFIN.  This  working  group  is  responsible  for  producing  common budgetary projections on age-related public expenditure items. Each Member State calculates its longterm pension expenditure based on common assumptions discussed in the AWG.  

    The demographic and macroeconomic assumptions in the public pension expenditure projection of Belgium for the AWG are different from those retained  in the national projection of the Study Committee on Ageing, as well as the scope of  pension definition. This projection is carried out using the MALTESE model of the Federal Planning Bureau.  

    This report presents the new Belgian pension projection 2016-2070 that will be published in the “2018 Ageing Report” next year. In addition, these results will be used in the context of the “Fiscal Sustainability Report” of the European Commission that assesses the mid-term and long-term fiscal situation of Member states. 

    Other publications - REP_COUNTRYFICH2017  Publication(en),

  • Comptes du secteur des biens et services environnementaux 2014-2015
    Rekeningen voor de milieugoederen en -dienstensector 2014-2015 18/12/2017

    European Regulation No 691/2011 (amended by European Regulation No 538/2014) obliges the member states of the European Union to deliver six environmental economic accounts as of 2017. The accounts concerned are the three accounts that have been obligatory since 2013, the Environmental Taxes by Economic Activity (ETEA), the Air Emissions Accounts (AEA) and the Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA), as well as three accounts that have to be delivered as of 2017, the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS), the Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA), and the Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA).

    In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the EGSS for the years 2014-2015.


    Other publications - REP_EGSS2017  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts 2011-2015 15/12/2017

    European Regulation No 691/2011 (amended by European Regulation No 538/2014) obliges the member states of the European Union to deliver six environmental economic accounts as of 2017. The accounts concerned are the three accounts that have been obligatory since 2013, the Environmental Taxes by Economic Activity (ETEA), the Air Emissions Accounts (AEA) and the Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA), as well as three accounts that have to be delivered as of 2017, the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS), the Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA), and the Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA).

    In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the EW-MFA for the years 2011-2015.


    Other publications - REP_EWMFA2017  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Table 29 - First pillar pensions in Belgium (Grant report) 31/10/2017

    The supplementary table 29, “Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance” of the Eurostat transmission program covers the statutory pensions and occupational pension schemes in social insurance in Belgium. In a working paper that was published May 2017, the Federal Planning Bureau presented a first methodology to complete the columns on the statutory pension schemes. Following this publication and the preliminary data transmission towards Eurostat mid-2017, the decision was taken to change the model and implement the PBO-methodology. Moreover, the first model contained an error in the programming part which lead to an overestimation of the accrued rights. This error has been corrected for. Consequently, the accrued-to-date pension entitlements are lower than the ones presented in the working paper.

    Reports - REP_11311  Publication(en),

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