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 JEL GuidePublic EconomicsPublicly Provided GoodsPublicly Provided Private Goods [H42]


  • Statistical update on Services of General Interest (SGIs) [23/05/2024]

    Value added, employment and investment of Service of General Interest in EU27 are estimated for the year 2021.

  • Measuring social protection for older people with long-term care needs in Belgium. A report on the completion of an OECD data collection questionnaire [30/06/2016]

    Social protection for the costs of long‐term care (LTC) varies widely between countries, and to date there has been no systematic comparison of the experiences of people with LTC needs in different countries. In response to this information gap, the OECD and the European Commission (EC) have established a project to make quantitative comparisons of social protection for LTC in OECD and EU countries, using the typical cases approach. Social protection encompasses both cash benefits, conditional on long‐term care needs, and long‐term care services offered at no or subsidized cost to the user. A data collection questionnaire has been distributed. This report describes how the data for Belgium have been collected. The following schemes are taken into account: the allowance for the assistance of the elderly; the allowances for incontinence and for the chronically ill; the Flemish care insurance; the sickness and invalidity insurance for home nursing care and care in institutions; home care (not nursing care), regulated and subsidized by regional governments; and service vouchers. The data refer to the year 2015.

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