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The Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) is an independent public agency. It draws up studies and projections on economic, social and environmental policy issues and on the integration of these policies within a context of sustainable development.
Caroline Hambÿe has been working at the Federal Planning Bureau since 1995 in the Sectoral and environmental accounts and analyses team. As part of this, she contributes to the drawing up of the supply and use tables and the input-output tables of Belgium. More specifically, she is responsible for the food and beverage industry. In addition, she focuses on the various analyses based on the input-output models, such as multipliers and linkages.
A macro-economic analysis of the activity of multinational groups is of particular interest for economic policy in a country like Belgium with a longstanding tradition of openness to foreign investment. This working paper combines a database of enterprise groups that are active in Belgium with industry-level data from the national accounts to show that multinational groups play an important role in the Belgian economy. Together, foreign affiliates and firms that are part of a Belgian multinational group account for more than 40% of GDP, 25% of total employment and 75% of exports.
This paper presents an estimation of employment sustained directly and indirectly by exports based on an export-heterogeneous input-output table. In this table, manufacturing industries are disaggregated according to the exporter status of firms in order to account for within-industry differences in input structures. According to our results, export-sustained employment in Belgium amounted to 1.32 million jobs in 2010, which corresponds to 29.5 % of total employment.
For a finer analysis of competitiveness and value chain integration, this working paper presents a micro-data based breakdown of manufacturing industries in the 2010 Belgian supply-and-use and input-output tables into export-oriented and domestic market firms. The former are defined as those firms that export at least 25% of their turnover. Analyses based on the resulting export-heterogeneous IOT reveal differences between the two in terms of input structures and import behaviour: export-oriented manufacturers have lower value-added in output shares, and they import proportionally more of the intermediates they use. Moreover, exports of export-oriented manufacturers generate a substantial amount of value added in other Belgian firms, in particular providers of services. The policy implication of these results is that Belgium’s external competitiveness depends not only on exporters but also on firms that mainly serve the domestic market. To maximise the impact of export promotion in terms of domestically generated value added, the entire value chain for the production of exports must be taken into account.
The traditional attribution of responsibility for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to producing countries may be distorted by international trade flows as importing emission-intensive commodities contributes to reducing a country’s production-based emissions. This has motivated the calculation of carbon footprints that measure the amount of domestic and foreign GHG emissions (directly and indirectly) embodied in commodities intended for final consumption by a country’s residents. In this working paper, we present carbon footprint estimations for Belgium based on global multi-regional input-output (MRIO) tables that have been made consistent with detailed Belgian national accounts. According to our calculations, Belgium’s carbon footprint is substantially higher than its productionbased emissions, which means that Belgium is a net importer of GHG emissions. Moreover, our results show that consistency with detailed national accounts does matter for MRIO-based carbon footprint calculations, in particular for a small open economy like Belgium.
This working paper presents two analytical applications based on the interregional input-output (IO) table for Belgium for the year 2010. The Federal Planning Bureau constructed this table in 2015 in cooperation with the statistical authorities of the country’s three Regions (IBSA, SVR and IWEPS). The following standard IO analyses based on applying the Leontief model to the interregional IO table are presented here: the derivation of multipliers for each region and the estimation of regional value added and regional employment generated by domestic final demand and exports.
This paper analyses the importance of the production of alcoholic beverages for the Belgian economy, with a particular focus on beer. First, the paper provides an outline of the recent development of production, imports, exports and domestic use of alcoholic beverages. This product analysis is complemented by a study of the branch of alcoholic beverages in which production, added value, investments and employment are discussed. Finally, production, revenue and employment multipliers are calculated using the input-output tables for the year 2010, as well as the total contribution of the whole production and distribution chain of the produced and imported alcoholic beverages to Belgian GDP and employment.
L’Institut des Comptes Nationaux (ICN) présente dans cette publication les tableaux entrées-sorties à prix courants pour l’année 2010, élaborés conformément à la méthodologie du SEC 1995 ainsi que dans les nomenclatures NACE Rév. 2/CPA 2008. Conjointement aux tableaux des ressources et des emplois dont ils sont déduits, les tableaux entrées-sorties assurent la cohérence des comptes nationaux. Les tableaux présentés dans cette publication sont cohérents avec les Comptes nationaux, Partie 2 – Comptes détaillés et tableaux 2012, publiés par l’ICN en octobre 2013. Les tableaux entrées-sorties constituent en outre un instrument d’analyse, mis à la disposition des décideurs, pour l’étude des relations interindustrielles et les études d’impact direct et indirect.
Het Instituut voor de Nationale Rekeningen (INR) presenteert in deze publicatie de input-outputtabellen tegen lopende prijzen voor het jaar 2010, opgesteld volgens de ESR95-methodologie en in NACE REV. 2 / CPA 2008. Samen met de aanbod- en gebruikstabellen, waarvan ze zijn afgeleid, verzekeren de input-outputtabellen de coherentie van de nationale rekeningen. De voorliggende tabellen zijn coherent met de Nationale rekeningen, Deel 2 – Gedetailleerde rekeningen en tabellen 2012, die in oktober 2013 door het INR werden gepubliceerd. De input-outputtabellen zijn tevens een analyse-instrument ten behoeve van het beleid, voor de studie van intersectorale relaties en voor directe en indirecte impactstudies.
This Working paper presents the output, income and employment multipliers of the final demand in Belgium over the period 1995-2005. It exploits a consistent time series of input-output tables at constant prices for the years 1995, 2000 and 2005, which allows, for the first time in Belgium, to study the evolution of final demand multipliers without methodological break and without price effects.
Since 1994, the Federal Planning Bureau is responsible for drawing up the five-year input-output tables for Belgium. These tables are a unique tool for analysing the interdependences between the branches of the Belgian economy. When integrated in an input-output model, they provide rapidly different synthetic measures of the interdependences. The WP presents two classic applications of the IO models : multipliers and linkage measures.
Users of Supply and Use Tables (SUT) and Input-Output Tables (IOT) compiled in different national accounts (NA) vintages face a problem of consistency of their data due to revisions in the NA. This paper describes the methodology that has been followed to compile a consistent time series of Belgian SUT and IOT for the period 1995-2007, in line with the NA published in November 2010.
This Working Paper gives an overall picture of the horeca industry in Belgium. The study focuses in particular on aspects of business demography, the importance of the sector for the Belgian economy, its development since the mid-nineties and the financial health of horeca companies. Since the provision of horeca services is a very labour-intensive activity, special attention is paid to employment features.
L’Institut des Comptes Nationaux (ICN) présente dans cette publication les tableaux entrées-sorties à prix courants pour l’année 2005 élaborés conformément à la méthodologie du SEC 1995. Conformément à la loi du 21 décembre 1994, le Bureau fédéral du Plan (BFP) est responsable, dans le cadre de l’ICN, de l’élaboration des tableaux entrées-sorties quinquennaux. Dans cette publication, la méthodologie de l’élaboration des tableaux entrées-sorties est décrite et les résultats sont présentés aux niveaux 6x6. Des tableaux plus détaillés sont disponibles (depuis fin mars 2010) sur le site internet du BFP. Le cadre des entrées et sorties décrit de manière détaillée le processus de production et les flux de biens et services dans l'économie belge. Conjointement aux tableaux des ressources et des emplois dont ils sont déduits, les tableaux entrées-sorties assurent la cohérence des comptes nationaux. Ils constituent en outre un instrument d’analyse, mis à la disposition des décideurs, pour l’étude des relations interindustrielles et les études d’impact direct et indirect. Ces dernières années, on a observé un renouveau de l'utilisation des tableaux emplois-ressources et des tableaux entrées-sorties, notamment à des fins d'analyse dans le domaine de la mondialisation et de l'économie de l'environnement.
Het Instituut voor de Nationale Rekeningen (INR) presenteert in deze publicatie de input-outputtabellen tegen lopende prijzen voor het jaar 2005, opgesteld volgens de ESR95-methodologie. Overeenkomstig de wet van 21 december 1994 is het Federaal Planbureau (FPB), binnen het kader van het INR, verantwoordelijk voor de opmaak van de vijfjaarlijkse input-outputtabellen. In de voorliggende publicatie wordt de methodologie die werd gevolgd bij de opmaak van de input-outputtabellen beschreven en worden resultaten getoond op 6x6 niveau. Meer gedetailleerde tabellen zijn (sedert eind maart 2010) beschikbaar op de website van het FPB. Het input-outputsysteem beschrijft op gedetailleerde wijze het productieproces en de goederen- en dienstenstromen in de Belgische economie. Samen met de aanbod- en gebruikstabellen, waarvan ze zijn afgeleid, verzekeren de input-outputtabellen de coherentie van de nationale rekeningen. Ze zijn tevens een analyse-instrument ten behoeve van het beleid, voor de studie van intersectorale relaties en voor directe en indirecte impactstudies. De laatste jaren wordt een revival in het gebruik van input-outputtabellen waargenomen, onder meer voor analyses in het domein van globalisering en milieu-economie.
This paper presents the methodology for the compilation of a time series of supply and use tables for Belgium in current and constant prices for the period 1995-2002. These data have been produced at the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau within the framework of the EUKLEMS project and constitute an input for the project’s productivity database. The compilation of the time series was based on national accounts data and existing supply and use tables. The methodology consisted in splitting several industries and products, adapting existing data to the latest national accounts revisions, estimating missing tables as well as deflating current price supply and use tables.
In deze studie wordt de Belgische horecasector onder de loep genomen. Naast een schets van de demografie van de ondernemingen wordt het belang van de horeca in de Belgische economie alsook de evolutie van de sector sedert het midden van de jaren 90 toegelicht. Wegens het arbeidsintensieve karakter van de productie van horecadiensten wordt hierbij bijzondere aandacht besteed aan het aspect werkgelegenheid. Voor deze studie werd een beroep gedaan op cijfermateriaal afkomstig uit de Nationale Rekeningen 1995-2003 en de Input-outputtabellen 2000, aangevuld met administratieve bronnen en enquêtes.
Cette étude propose une analyse détaillée du secteur Horeca. Outre un aperçu de la démographie des entreprises, elle présente l’importance du secteur Horeca dans l’économie belge, ainsi que son évolution depuis le milieu des années nonante. La production de services Horeca nécessitant une main d’œuvre importante, une attention particulière est portée aux aspects d’emploi. Cette étude fait appel à des données provenant des Comptes nationaux 1995-2003 et aux tableaux entrées-sorties 2000, complétés par des bases de données administratives et des données d’enquêtes.