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The Institution

The Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) is an independent public agency. It draws up studies and projections on economic, social and environmental policy issues and on the integration of these policies within a context of sustainable development.


Environmental certification

The Federal Planning Bureau is committed to actively participate in efforts to preserve a viable and sound environment. By doing so, it wishes to stress the exemplary role of a public agency and hopes to persuade its own staff and other public services, organizations and enterprises to pursue an environmental policy.

To achieve this objective, the Federal Planning Bureau takes part in two environmental management schemes. Since 2002, the Federal Planning has been awarded the "ecodynamic enterprise" label by the Brussels-Capital Region (2 stars between 2002 and 2008 and 3 stars since 2008) and since 2006, it has also been registered in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme of the European Union.

The Federal Planning Bureau, tenant of an office building located at 14-18 rue Belliard in Brussels (B-1040), commits to further improve (reduce) its positive (negative) impact on the environment. For that purpose, it will engage in a continued dialogue with the building owner.

To achieve these continued enhancements, the Federal Planning Bureau will not only look into its environmental performance but also try to identify the underlying sources of its environmental impact.

Over the next three years, the Federal Planning Bureau will  more specifically concentrate its efforts on nine fields of action:

  • reduce pollution (CO2, other pollution, congestion) caused by the use of individual motorised modes of transport,
  • reduction of paper consumption,
  • reduction of energy consumption,
  • limit water consumption,
  • continue to offer sustainable alternatives for office equipment,
  • increase recycling and reduce waste generation,
  • continue to limit the use of hazardous/irritating and unsustainable cleaning products at the FPB,
  • promoting biodiversity in the FPB garden,
  • better collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

The Federal Planning Bureau will also stay informed  on relevant environmental legislation adopted by the Regions, the federal state and the European Union. It will anticipate and respect it.


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